
The main goal of the project was to increase awareness among youth people all around Europe that music can be utilized as a social and instructive device for self-improvement. Also, to have a beneficial outcome in the society. Accordingly, this Youth Exchange, enabled participants to become more and more dynamic in their life and to utilize their abilities towards a positive reason, for example, advancing tolerance and harmony among youth.

The entire learning procedure was based on non-formal educational strategies where participants created musical capabilities and changed their own melodic encounters, and also they gained knowledge with an assortment of systems to build up their imagination and to utilize their time subjectively and conveniently. To be specific, participants were associated with different introductions, inventive workshops, outside exercises, debates and intercultural exercises so as to meet projects targets and help participants build up their talents and make music advancing positive change. Hence, all through the entire Youth Exchange music was made by the participants using vocals, instruments and innovation, and the project was closed with a final occasion with music performance, where the music, as well as the Erasmus+ Program and the projects' results were be introduced.

The project offered participants and partners the advantage to build new contacts, to increase their system and create thoughts for future projects which can be implemented at different dimensions. Most importantly, this Youth Exchange was an opportunity for youth all around Europe to meet and work together and to create big outcomes like guideline and suggestions for other youth and associations keen on future projects.

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The main goal of the project was to increase awareness among youth people all around Europe that music can be utilized as a social and instructive device for self-improvement. Also, to have a beneficial outcome in the society. Accordingly, this Youth Exchange, enabled participants to become more and more dynamic in their life and to utilize their abilities towards a positive reason, for example, advancing tolerance and harmony among youth.

Project Reference: 2019-1-UK01-KA105-060571

Coordinator: Hamer Youth Group

Group Sunset

Euro-Med Youth Federation (EMYF) e. V.

Tabloid media solution


We Go Project