Within our project we aimed to inspire youth to create inter-cultural open spaces in local communities, and to be involved in the service of all people who reside with them, those from all backgrounds, ethnicities and religions. Because of the multi-activity design of the project we wanted to stimulate a complete educational process.
This project helped youth to reach their full potential through various workshops, discussions, games and simulations, which provide training and valuable experience to youth and support their future hiring process. Non-formal education tools contributed to boost participants’ active engagement and to encourage their involvement in the life of their communities.

The objective of WeAreOne was to empower youth through community involvement and grassroots inter-cultural movements to promote social inclusion of refugees, migrants, and of those of different backgrounds than their own.
The Youth Exchange took place in Berlin, Germany and reunited young people aged 18-29 (32 participants of 8 participated organizations) + 8 group leaders with no age limit.