30 Aug 2022

Day 2 of URBANUS-19 Workshop "Co-design Exhibitions of Artistic Resistances"

The second day of LTTA in Berlin focused on the discovery of Berlin street art and the various languages of contemporary art.

Participants visited East Side Gallery of Berlin Wall, Berlin, Germany, and URBAN NATION.

The day ended with a discussion on the meaning of street art.

The participants created an electronic photo album to share the artistic photos in Berlin.

Follow this link for the complete photogallery: https://padlet.com/acpchteam/ziz41peicbkmbr39


#Urbanus19 is an #Erasmus+ Project that aims to support vulnerable young people while facing social challenges.

This is in partnership with Društvo za razvijanje prostovoljnega dela Novo mesto, Euro-Med Youth Federation e. V. Orizzonti, Fundatia Professional Girotondo

#stay_tuned for our upcoming posts on the workshop updates and outcomes.