Youth For Youth

The main aims of the project were to enable participants to act as coaches in their youth organizations, to use coaching techniques as an effective tool for their future activities in the field of youth work, and effectively deal with issues related to coaching. The main themes explored during the project were: what is coaching, role of a coach, tasks of youth worker when coaching youth groups, methods and techniques coach can use, differences and similarities between coaching and mentoring, ethics in coaching, SWOT of coaching, what are the specifics of coaching young people with fewer opportunities and others.

The training course “Youth for Youth” was implemented in Krakow-Poland during the period of 23 - 30 of November 2018.

The implemented activities of this project were based on the principles of non-formal education, learning by doing and active participation of the participants. All sessions combined theoretical inputs with practical exercises, aiming to provide the participants with a chance both to learn about coaching and to practice it under controlled conditions.

The trainers took two different approaches during the sessions, depending on the topic being covered: they either started with the theory and then continued with the practice part, or they first put the participants in a situation to try something new, and then provided them with an input. Both approaches had benefits. All the methodology demanded participants’ active participation.

project image

The project originated from the need to increase young people's active engagement in the society and organise a training course that gives youth workers coaching tools, methods and inspiration to empower young people to be active citizens in their communities. The project gathered 23 youth workers and youth leaders from ten different countries(Poland, Germany, Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Macedonia, Italy, Bulgaria, Lithuania). During seven days of activities there were used non-formal education methodology, tools and approaches in order to introduce the participants with coaching and to acquaint them both with theoretical knowledge and practical experience of using coaching when working with young people.

Project Reference: 2018-2-PL01-KA105-051393

Coordinator: Foundation Understand Autism



International Labour Association

Being active - main key for achievement

EuroMed Youth Federation

Asociacija "Tavo Europa"

Center for Educational and Cultural Development "RACIO"

Platforma za grajdansko obrazovanie i obuchenie (CET Platform)